mipig cafe Meguro

mipig cafe Meguro

mipig cafe MICRO PIG HOUSE


This cafe is reservation only. Please book from the reservation page.(We do not accept reservations by phone calls.)

Book now (Meguro)

  • We open from 10am to 6pm. Please come inside the cafe before your scheduled time.
25 minutes 55 minutes
3 years old and under ¥ 770 ¥ 770
4 years old and over ¥ 1,870 ¥ 2,970
mipig cafe MICRO PIG HOUSE


Google Map

Address: Meguro 4-11-3, Meguro-ku, Tokyo

Bus stop: Moto keibajo mae (Tokyu bus) *Takes about 3 mins

Train station: JR Meguro station


Please note that you are not allowed to enter mipig cafe if you are any of followings.

  • Being sick or not feeling well (micro pigs can get sick/flu from humans.)
  • Having visited China, Africa etc within 2 days where hog cholera has been identified. (*Click here for applicable countries)
  • Having entered a hog sty within 2 days.

*Hog cholera does not affect humans, however pigs can get the disease via humans.

Floor Guide

1F marche (Reception)

1F marche (Reception)

where a micro pig welcomes you at the small garden.

2F living room (Cafe space)

2F living room (Cafe space)

where you can play with micro pigs.

3F lounge (Office/Working space)

3F lounge (Office/Working space)

where management staffs work. Also, if you are thinking about purchasing a micro pig as a family member, you can have a conversation.

*Reservation only.

4F attic & balcony (Cafe space)

4F attic & balcony (Cafe space)

where only micro pigs know.. like a secret loft, and a balcony where you will feel like soaking up some sun!

Displaying about business of animal handling Meguro

Company nameRegistration numberTypeRegisteredUntilAnimal handling representative
Hooome21 Tokyo Sales No.006377SalesMarch 27, 2023March 26, 2028Tomohiro Hamada
Hooome21 Tokyo Rental No.006377RentalJuly 19, 2019July 18, 2027Tomohiro Hamada
Hooome21 Tokyo Display No.006377DisplayJuly 19, 2019July 18, 2027Tomohiro Hamada