mipig cafe AEON Lake Town

Please note that you are not allowed to enter mipig cafe if you are any of followings.
- Being sick or not feeling well (micro pigs can get sick/flu from humans.)
- Having visited China, Africa etc within 2 days where hog cholera has been identified. (*Click here for applicable countries)
- Having entered a hog sty within 2 days.
*Hog cholera does not affect humans, however pigs can get the disease via humans.
Floor Guide


counseling room
Displaying about business of animal handling AEON Lake Town
Company name | Registration number | Type | Registered | Until | Animal handling representative |
Hooome | No.139 | Sales | May 1, 2023 | April 30, 2028 | Sara Chiwaki |
Hooome | No.102 | Rental | March 31, 2021 | March 30, 2026 | Sara Chiwaki |
Hooome | No.103 | Display | March 31, 2021 | March 30, 2026 | Sara Chiwaki |