About mipig cafe
- Q.Do I book in advance or can I walk in?
- Unfortunately no, please make a reservation from the link. https://mipig.cafe/en/booking/
- Q.Can I book via phone call?
- Unfortunaly not, please visit https://airrsv.net/mipigcafe/calendar.
- Q.How long do you recommend for guests to stay at mipig cafe?
- Micro pigs will be walking around freely so 1~2 hours is recommended so you can have full experience.
- Q.Can I leave early?
- We are afraid not, you will have to be seated at where the staff will guide you to , and you may not pick the seat.
- Q.Is there any age restriction?
- No age restriction but elementary-aged students and below are not allowed to enter by themselves.
- Q.Is it possible to bring some food/drink with me?
- Please refrain from bringing food or drink into mipig cafe. Thank you for your understanding.
- Q.Can I choose which floor or move to another floor?
- We will guide you and please follow the staff.
- Q.I would like to meet adult micro pigs.
- We only guide guests who are thinking about purchasing and have already purchased. If you would like to purchase a micro pig, please visit.
- Q.Is smoking allowed?
- No smoking is allowed at Micro pig cafe.
- Q.Is there a parking lot?
- We don't have any parking lots but there is metered parking nearby.
- Q.Is it OK to take photos and videos inside the store?
- Take as much as you like. Just refrain from using any flashes. And NO live streaming and phone calls as it might bother other customers.
We have a special span for Youtubers who want to do a video shoot
- Q.Do micropigs leave the cafe when they get older?
- mipig cafe is also plays a rold as training place to learn sociality, and after obtaining how to interact with humans and other micro pigs, they will happily live with their new family.
How to play with micro pigs
- Q.Is it possible to take some photos and videos?
- Yes, you can but kindly refrain from using flash photos. Also you can enter sweepstakes on Instagram and receive some special gifts. Don’t forget to use the hushtag #mipigcafe and #マイクロブタさんのお友だち (it means friends of/with micropigs!)
- Q.Can I pick them up?
- No you are not allowed since they get upset. However they are very friendly and What time you stretch your legs, they may step up onto you.
About micro pigs
- Q.How do you manage the piggy?
- We carry out hygiene management and epidemic prevention measures under the management of our veterinarian.
- Q.Do micro pigs leave the cafe when they get older?
- mipig cafe is also a training place to learn sociality, and after obtaining how to deal with humans and other micro pigs, they will happily live with their new family.
- Q.Do they get a rest?
- Yes, they take a rest according to the compatibility with each pig, physical strength and health condition. Our staffs always check the micro pigs and when they feel tired or any change in physical condition, they take a rest in a separate room.